Tuesday, April 28, 2009

oreo truffles/chocolate balls of doom

  • one standard package of oreo cookies (not double-stuff, for our purposes we don't care about the frosting)
  • one 8-ounce package of cream cheese
  • about a package of semi-sweet chocolate chips, or whatever other kind of chocolate suits your taste
  • (optional) if you're feeling fancy, white chocolate for drizzling
  1. crush the oreos. a food processor is best; a blender works fine; if you are guerilla-cooking in a dorm room, a plastic bag and something heavy will do.
  2. mix the crushed oreos and the cream cheese. you have you use your hands, otherwise it just doesn't work. you should end up with a thick paste somewhere between the consistency of dough and modeling clay. (tasty, right?)
  3. mold the paste into marble-sized balls. this takes forever. you will end up with a lot of them. these are your truffle fillings.
  4. put the fillings in the freezer while you melt the chocolate chips (it makes dipping easier).
  5. dip the fillings in the melted chocolate and place them on wax paper. i've found that rolling them between two spoons is the most efficient method.
  6. chill in the refrigerator (not the freezer, it gives them freezerburn) until the chocolate hardens.
  7. if so desired, melt some white chocolate and drizzle over the top.
  8. store in the fridge until serving.
makes about two large platefuls.
prep time: 90 minutes, ish.
cautions: they're messy to make, they take a long time, and the smell of cream cheese mixed with chocolate is so sugary you will probably not want to eat any when you're done. but somebody has to make them, and everyone who eats them will very likely love you for it.

the "i'm in france where they don't believe in oreos or cream cheese" variant: substitute a more-or-less equivalent amount of any chocolate cookie you can find, the crumblier the better. substitute mascarpone for cream cheese. it makes the filling mushier and harder to handle, so freeze them longer before dipping. they don't taste the same, but they still taste pretty awesome.

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